How to Ace Virgo Season
When it comes to style Virgo is the perfectionist. I always think of a career tailor or haute couture seamstress; someone who dedicates their life to this service of beauty and someone who cares about the details, never leaving one undone.
Libra-Ruled Items Every Wardrobe Needs
We now enter a space where desires and yearnings are reflected back to us. Because Libra season is all about balance, refinement and the meeting point between opposites, we are asked to explore the process of choice* and the weight/balance of results and consequences.
New Moon in Libra - Self Love Through Wardrobe
Today, Mercury is also cazimi, an auspicious placement when a planet is “in the heart of the sun” or in other words conjunct the Sun within 17 minutes of the Sun’s ecliptic point. Mercury and Mars will also conjunct, presenting us with the question…are we being clear in our relating?
Passion and Power - Scorpio Style
Look at any designer or fashion photographer with a strong presence of Scorpio in their charts and you will see an emphasis on shape in the work; whether that’s cinching, streamlining or bending, the creative eye of Scorpio focuses on the physical body.
Scorpio and the Alter Ego
Scorpio isn’t afraid of the dark nor of the transformative process that occurs when shape-shifting and evolving into another form. As a hidden agent, Scorpio uncovers the secrets of others, but can also get lost in the camouflage of a new self.
What to do with all those clothes?
We are now in the full swing of November and Scorpio season. With Scorpio governing themes of life, death and regeneration, I plan to talk to you more about sustainability and basics this month. (Late November Sag babies love a quality basic too.)
Let's Get Intimate!
I want undergarments that support self-love, not erode it. Maybe you have been thinking the same?
Thankfully, underwear is having a moment, and here are a list of brands that offer something different than Victoria’s dirty little secret.
Sagittarius Style Brief
…where you will learn why Sagittarius prefers a style that offers mobility (and zero static cling!) in an adventurous palette of fiery minerals and boho chic aesthetics. And also, rich cremello, beautiful palomino and the cinnamon bay of horses…
Notes on the changing of Eclipse Season
What was beginning and ending at that time in your life? What is beginning and ending now? Where in your life have you experienced and/or completed a remodel? Are there any similarities that thread these two eclipse cycles together?
Have a look at which houses the signs Gemini and Sagittarius occupy in your chart for additional insight.
Venus Retrograde Shopping Tips
If you are thinking about getting anything radical done like the trendy PNW or LES mullet, try to make your appointment for tomorrow or Saturday. OR JUST WAIT IT OUT UNTIL February. Venus Retrograde is NOT the time to experiment with new styles.
If Capricorn had a Sunday to-do list.
Capricorn means business. First.
And all that other stuff that comes with life. Second.
Which is why Capricorn wants — no, needs— a uniform. Who has time for fluffy styling when there is important work to do?!
Dry cleaning Alternatives.
Recently, one of my clients emailed me with question about Dry Cleaning Alternatives…such a great topic! The last time I went to the dry cleaners was in 2017 (so, I know a thing or two about home-washing.) Here are some of my eco/financial friendly options…
Style in the Age of Aquarius
Some folks might perceive the Aquarian vibe as alternative and weird…but can I offer a different perspective?
Nothing like a Pisces Party
Always on trend (though NOT edgy like it’s neighbor Aquarius) Pisces takes a soft and sensitive approach to fashion leading it to choose flowy, billowy and bohemian fabrics and garment styles.
Popular looks are…
The Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year.
To start, and in honor of this new astrological cycle, I have put together a set of questions that take you on a year-long journey with style and creative voice as guided by the New and Full Moons. Journal on these general questions under each moon (remembering to take into account the placements and aspects of the transiting moons in your chart.)
The ABC’s of Aries Style
This is a star sign that doesn’t mind being seen — and being acknowledged for its fashion bravery and risk-taking.
Which makes sense because Aries is the ruler of the First House, the house of self-discovery, self-interest, and first impressions.
The Taurus Style Brief
While some Taureans like to repeat a two-piece uniform day in and day out (for it’s practical, reliable comfort) others will find physical pleasure in a wardrobe of luxurious and extremely loud looks.
But across the board Taurus wants the best of the best in whatever sensual delight it prefers.
Taurus/Scorpio Axis of Investment
Since Scorpio runs on the axis of investment with it’s opposite Taurus (who invests in the material, pleasure, sensory experiences), I want to talk with you about investment pieces for your wardrobe.
Dressing for the Gemini Moon
Gemini Moons are curious, social, and buzzing with info on the latest and greatest about its work, passions and pursuits. Sometimes, there is so much going on in that Mercury mind that commitment to a decision can be challenging.
Despite being repped by the Twins, the sign of Gemini needs independent space to breathe, explore and think. It also needs room in the wardrobe for the many collections acquired!