New Moon in Libra - Self Love Through Wardrobe

Themes of Love, Beauty, Justice, and Partnership are highlighted under the waxing moon in Libra. (The New Moon in Libra occurred last week on the 6th - This energy remains present for the two weeks that follow the New Moon in addition to the 6 month cycle of new moon energy that begins at the same time.)

With the planets Mercury (Retrograde for just one more week woo hoo!) and Mars also in the sign of Libra, use this next week to get clear on what you want (within these Libran themes) and how you want to receive it.

It’s the…Ask for “100 Grand”, and you may just get a candy bar…sort-of-thing.

Today, Mercury is also cazimi, an auspicious placement when a planet is “in the heart of the sun” or in other words conjunct the Sun within 17 minutes of the Sun’s ecliptic point. Mercury and Mars will also conjunct, presenting us with the question…are we being clear in our relating?   


So, I was thinking…since so much relating and communication of/about self-love, values, beauty, partnership and justice —whether in conversation with the self or others— takes place in personal style choices (and be that through the use of imagery, copy, wardrobe, color palette) I thought I would pop in with a Style Brief of questions that might be helpful in getting down to the WHY’s behind one’s style choices. 

Where do your style choices take root?

Who/what is influencing them?

Are they being made from an empowered heart or a wounded ego?

Are they reflective of your values and beliefs?

No need to turn to your astrology for this — answer from your heart and gut-knowing. Trust the first thoughts, memories and visions that come up.

Sit with the questions briefly or time yourself journaling on the answers. Dare yourself to write for ten full minutes answering each question — see what comes up after you’ve sifted through all the surface stuff.

The questions below focus on wardrobe, but you can replace “wardrobe” with any form of visual or stylistic communication.


  1. What do you feel in your body when you look at your wardrobe?

  2. If you wish your body felt something different, what is that different feeling?

  3. What does your wardrobe say about you right now?

  4. If you wish it said something different, what do you want/need it to say?

  5. What do you want to say to others through your wardrobe?


  1. Touch each piece in your wardrobe. How do you feel in your body when holding these individual pieces?

Ask: What did this piece support in my life when I brought it home? 

Ask: Does this piece support my needs/my voice/my dreams/my work/my day-to-day/my desires for the future/(insert support) NOW? 

Ask: Does this piece help me communicate what it is I want to say NOW?

Ask: How does this piece support/strengthen my beliefs about myself? my values?

Ask: Can I give myself permission to let this piece — and all it represents — go?

Ask: Can I give myself permission to create space for what I want?


  1. Imagine this piece on your body. How do you feel in your body when wearing this piece?

Ask: Does this piece support my needs/my voice/my dreams/my work/my day-to-day/my desires for the future/(insert support)?

Ask: Does this piece help me communicate what I want to say about myself? to others? 

Ask: How does this piece support/strengthen my beliefs about myself? my values?


Libra-Ruled Items Every Wardrobe Needs


Passion and Power - Scorpio Style